Due to the current situation surrounding covid-19, we have decided that we unfortunately will be keeping pub Kronan and Kalmar Café closed until further notice. The majority of our member activities will continue – stay updated in each Facebook group.

We urge all members of the nation, active members and visitors to stay at home in case of symptoms of illness, to wash your hands both carefully and often, as well as to sneeze and cough in the arm folds. Further information about covid-19 can be found on the Public Health Agency website https://www.folkhalsomyndigheten.se/the-public-health-agency-of-sweden/communicable-disease-control/covid-19/
As well as at Uppsala University portal https://www.uu.se/en/students/recommendations-on-coronavirus/

We are closely following the situation surrounding the coronavirus and will keep you updated on how this affects the nation’s activities.

Take care of yourselves and your loved ones, and we’ll see you again soon!