Information from Kalmar nation


Dear members and friends. On this page you can find all information about how the Covid-19-pandemic is affecting our activities at Kalmar nation. 


How activities are affected

Opening hours

The nation is closed for the summer, but we have office hours Tuesdays between 12-13!

We encourage you to contact the curators via email, and to not visit if you have any symptoms!

Changes for member activities

Cancelled, digital or outdoors?

Wondering what’s happening with your favorite member activity at Kalmar nation? Here you’ll find the information!

Mixtape circle are meeting digitally during normal hours, 20.00 on Thursday.
See Blandbandscirkeln på FB for more information.

The art circle are arranging special activities.
See Målagruppen på FB for more information.

Floor ball is happening between 22-23 on Thursdays at Fyrisskolan!

 Yoga is cancelled for the rest of the semester..

 The spex group, the choir, the theatre group and the sewing circle are currently not meeting as normal, but are looking into digital solutions.


The board and the curators are working continually with acting in regards to Covid-19, and are encouraging all members to stay at home if you have any symtoms and to wash your hands carefully and often.

“Sillunch” 30/4

CANCELED If you've paid for a ticket you can get your money back by visiting our Second curator during office hours. It's Valborg, and that means sillunch - or, this year, "sillunch". What do we mean by "sillunch"? Well, it's like a normal sillunch, but without sill....

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Update concerning Covid-19

Dear members! The pub and fika are still closed until further notice - but we are working on opening again! Unfortunately it's been hard to find staff - if you are interested in working and have basic knowledge of kitchen hygiene, don't hesitate to contact...

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Due to the current situation surrounding covid-19, we have decided that we unfortunately will be keeping pub Kronan and Kalmar Café closed until further notice. The majority of our member activities will continue - stay updated in each Facebook group. We urge all...

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WELCOME TO THE FIRST KROPPKAKE GASQUE OF THE DECADE! On Saturday, the 7th of March, it’s finally time for the food night we’ve all been waiting – the Kroppkakegasque! In preparation, the whole nation will be transformed into a small kroppkaka-factory. Potatoes will be...

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Happy New Year – see you again on the 13th Jan

Kalmar nation would like to thank you for the past year, and wish you a very Happy New Year!The nation is currently on a holiday break, and will be back 13/1 - both "inskrivning" for our new members (where you can join the nation), and the office hours will open. The...

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